



十大正规网赌软件(SPS)正在建立一个资源充足的学校系统. This effort aims to ensure every student is prepared for college, career, and life. 


图形,包括8个组件与图标和文本. - Multiple teachers per grade level - Stable support staff - Inclusive learning for EVERY student - Social and emotional learning support -Art, 音乐, 体育教师-稳定的运营预算-安全, 健康的, 美丽的学校和场地——与社区的联系

Our goal is that every school in our district will uphold our community’s values and offer a comprehensive education to prepare students for lifelong success. A well-resourced school is a central hub for students, families, staff, and community.  


  • includes access to high-quality educators and modern classroom resources, textbooks, and technology 
  • 提供具有包容性和多元文化代表性的课程, 背景, 和能力  
  • 通过主动的安全措施优先考虑安全 
  • fosters a supportive environment where students feel valued and supported 社会ly and emotionally

为什么: SPS believes in the transformative power of public education and the collaborative investment needed to shape schools that reflect our city and communities.  

如何我们优先考虑由杰出教育工作者组成的创新、高质量的学校. Our aim is to ensure every student receives a world-class education tailored to their academic, 社会, 情感需求.  

什么通过培养公平的文化, 包容性, 和安全, 我们提供现代化的资源和多样化的课程, empowering students for lifelong success and fulfillment in post-secondary education and the workforce.  

虽然这一计划将意味着一些大规模的系统变化, it is crucial to focus on the end goal: creating a school system where every student has access to the academic, 社会, 以及他们需要的情感支持.

因为SPS管理着70多所学校,为我们最年轻的学生服务, the recommendation of transition to a system of well-resourced schools focuses on the schools that serve students in preschool through 5th grade first.

在我们的104栋校舍中, 十大正规网赌软件 currently has 73 schools that serve our students in preschool through 5th grade. 我国29所小学目前的学生人数不足300人.

Our main goal is to make sure students get a great education, even when we face challenges.




和所有学区一样, SPS正在适应不断变化的社区人口结构, 哪些因素会影响我们学校的入学人数. 我们也知道,随着时间的推移,学生和社区的需求会发生变化. 另外, persistent gaps in state basic education funding have impacted SPS and other districts across the state.  

卫生和社会服务部管理着几所入学人数不足的校舍, 在我们为最年轻的学生服务的学校里经常发生什么. 低入学率会导致更少的人力资源, 更多人员配置调整, 由于预算的原因,变化更频繁. 


If we maintain the current number of school buildings that serve our youngest students, SPS将需要减少服务.


  • 每个老师有更多的学生
  • 裁减学校核心人员
  • 减少或取消学前教育
  • 减少直接支持学校运作的中央办公室人员
  • 课程采用减少


The alternative being presented to the Seattle School Board is that our district takes on the challenging but rewarding work to develop a system of well-resourced schools.  

This new model would mean SPS would have fewer school buildings that serve students in preschool through 5th grade, 但是,建设能力将更好地与学生入学人数保持一致.  

Our aim is for all our schools to reflect community values and provide a complete education that prepares students for success throughout their lives.  


Dr. Jones will bring the preliminary recommendations to the Seattle School Board in June 2024. 

We hope you are able to join us for one of the upcoming informational community meetings. 确保SPS家庭有最大的机会参与, each meeting will present the same information but be held in locations around our district.  

We will continue to work to prioritize inclusive and high-quality education for our students. We are approaching these decisions in a thoughtful way to ensure we minimize negative impacts on student learning. 

琼斯警司 not recommending any school 关闭s or consolidations for the 2024-25 school year.





Superintendent Jones launched a community-wide effort to reimagine a system of well-resourced 学校 that is safe, 公平的, 并为学生和家庭提供这些项目, services and resources they need to succeed and thrive in the neighborhoods where they live.  

The community vision will provide a foundation to frame challenges and opportunities for SPS in the coming years. 它将有助于指导未来的战略规划和资源分配决策, 包括资助资源充足的学校, SPS资金及未来规划, 更新西雅图卓越战略计划, 以及BEX VI税. 


SPS正在建立一个资源充足的学校系统. This effort aims to ensure every student is prepared for college, career, and life.

这个月, the Seattle School Board will hear an update and the community will be invited to well-resourced schools community meetings.





虽然我们在2024-25学年不会关闭任何学校, we will be making some necessary changes to balance our budget in a fiscally responsible manner that ensures educational excellence across the district. 平衡2024-25学年的预算, this district intends to seek the implementation of loan tools the 华盛顿 State Legislature provided to specifically address budget de-stabilization, 同时重组一些项目.  


Our plan to balance our budget provides significant long-term savings and opportunities for more savings in the future 


卫生和社会福利部2024-25财政年度预计将面临1.05亿美元的赤字, 2025-26财年1.29亿美元, 2026-27财年的预算为1.53亿美元. This structural shortfall is caused primarily by insufficient funding from the State of 华盛顿; declines in enrollment, 一次性资金来源的支出. 


Today, enrollment is approximately 48,000 students and there are 104 school buildings. 2019 - 23, 入学人数减少了4%,900名学生, 这导致了8100万美元的收入下降 


就像我们爱每一所学校一样, 当他们没有被录取时, they become under-resourced and this causes inequity and inconsistency from school to school.  

难道没有比关闭学校更好的办法来弥补赤字吗? 他们还考虑了哪些其他选择啊? 

关闭一所学校将节省75万到200万美元. 虽然这只是预算节省的一部分,但它确实会产生影响.  


Current 华盛顿 state funding does not support smaller schools or smaller class sizes. 国家资金是根据运营一所400名学生的小学的成本计算的, 这意味着比这更小的学校在财政上不可行或不可持续.  


We have launched a community-wide effort to reimagine a system of well-resourced schools which offers students and families the support, 项目和资源, and the inspiration they need to succeed and thrive in the neighborhoods where they live.

We will continue this community engagement to ensure that the decisions we make will be responsive, 公平的, 和声音, 当我们考虑进行任何实质性的合并时, 关闭, 以及程序性的变化. 阅读更多关于资源丰富的学校社区参与.